Antibody Cross-Reactivity Analysis

Understanding antibody cross-reactivity

Cross-reactivity refers to the ability of an antibody to bind to different antigens that share similar epitopes. This phenomenon occurs when the epitopes on different antigens have enough structural similarity for an antibody to recognize and bind to both.

Why Cross-reactivity matters

  • Research context: In experimental research, cross-reactivity can lead to false-positive results or misinterpretation of data, impacting the reliability of experimental outcomes.
  • Therapeutic context: For therapeutic antibodies, cross-reactivity can cause unintended side effects by binding to off-target proteins, potentially leading to decreased therapeutic efficiency or adverse reactions.
  • Diagnostic context: In diagnostic applications, cross-reactivity can compromise the specificity of assays, resulting in inaccurate diagnostics.
Profiling cross-reactivity against human proteins

PEPperPRINT offers multiple solutions for analyzing antibody specificity and cross-reactivities against human proteins, human B-cell epitopes, or even other disease- or pathogen-specific antigens. 

Cross-reactivity screening of COVID-19 patient sera against known human autoantigens. Study design (left) and representative microarray scans (right) of the PEPperCHIP® Autoimmune Human Epitope Microarray showing different cross-reactivity profiles across different patient cohorts.

 HuProtTM Proteome MicroarrayPEPperCHIP® Human Epitome MicroarrayPEPperCHIP® Autoimmune Human Epitope Microarray
Microarray contentover 21,000 human proteins
29,128 peptides covering all linear B-cell epitopes of the Immune Epitope Database
3,723 human B-cell epitopes associated with autoimmune diseases
SpeciesHumanHuman, animal, and various pathogensHuman
Peptide length-5 to 17 amino acids depending on epitope length; longer epitopes translated into overlapping peptides15 amino acids
Peptide overlap shift-shift +1shift +1
Sample material10-50 µL serum or 5-30 µg purified antibody100-200 µl serum or 100-200 µg purified antibody10-20 µl serum or 10-20 µg purified antibody
AnalysisAvailable by PEPperMAP® Service onlyAvailable by PEPperMAP® Service onlyDIY following the PEPperCHIP® Immunoassay Protocol, or by PEPperMAP® Service

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