• PEPperMAP® Serum Services: Antibody Profiling and Epitope Biomarker Discovery


    PEPperMAP® Serum+ Services

    Profile antibody responses on the epitope level. 


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Antibody profiling

Get epitope-level fingerprint analysis of antibody responses 

Complex biological samples such as sera or plasma contain a diverse mix of antibodies that together present a snapshot of a subject's immunological state. PEPperCHIP® Peptide Microarrays are an ideal tool for identifying and characterizing epitope-level antibody reactivities against multiple antigens at once. 

We combine high-resolution peptide microarray data with years of expertise working with immunologically complex samples to deliver in-depth antibody fingerprint analyses. PEPperPRINT's unique PEPperCHIP® Platform Technology supports synthesis of linear and cyclic constrained peptides which mimic linear and looped epitope structures, enabling microarray-based mapping of linear and conformational epitope signatures in complex samples such as sera, plasma, or other similar analytes.

What are some use-cases of antibody profiling?

Immune monitoring allows the fingerprint analysis of antibody responses upon immunization, vaccination or administration of a biopharmaceutical drug. In contrast to an ELISA, which only states whether antibodies against the antigen are present or not, antibody profiling with PEPperCHIP® Peptide Microarrays allows for the characterization of humoral immune response into high and low immunogenic epitopes. 

Some antibody reactivities can either lead to allergies due to an overreaction to otherwise harmless antigens, or autoimmune diseases due to self-directed antibodies. Fingerprint analyses with PEPperCHIP® Peptide Microarrays can reveal these antibody signatures down to the amino acid level, and which can shed some insight on the baseline cause of these over-reactive antibodies. 

Application note: Human Autoantibody Screening with the PEPperCHIP® Autoimmune Epitope Microarray 2.0   

Whether you want to check patient sera for antibodies against gene therapy vectors or for anti-drug antibodies, PEPperCHIP® Peptide Microarrays allow for an in-depth characterization of the current immunological status of a patient before administering a drug or other therapeutic against selected antigens. Resulting antibody profiles can provide valuable information which can guide patient stratification or hold predictive indicators for therapeutic outcome.

A subject's antibody composition and its corresponding epitope landscape can reveal previous exposure to infectious agents or the development of immune responses to disease. Antibody profiling with PEPperCHIP® Peptide Microarrays can reveal immunogenic regions in a pathogens proteome, antibody cross-reactivity between different pathogens, or the developemnt of autoantibodies after infections.

Application note: Fine Mapping of the Hepatitis E Virus Immune Response Using High Resolution Linear and Conformational Peptide Microarrays

Serum biomarker discovery

Serologically screen thousands of peptides and hundreds of antigens at once

The identification of early biomarkers for severe diseases by noninvasive methods is highly relevant, but demanding. PEPperPRINT's high-content peptide microarrays provide a very efficient tool for antibody biomarker discovery from sera. Screen entire pathogen proteomes for epitope markers for disease or immunity, identify immunogenic hotspots, or  characterize changes in antibody response patterns. The flexibility of the PEPperCHIP® platform allows the step-wise screening from up to 35,000 peptides for hit discovery down to handful peptides for hit validation.


PEPperCHIP® Discovery format

PEPperCHIP® Standard format

Microarray contentSingle to multiple antigens translated into overlapping peptidesSingle to multiple antigens translated into overlapping peptides
Pre-designed content availablePEPperCHIP® Human Epitome Microarray, or random peptides for immunosignature discoveryPEPperCHIP® Standard Peptide Microarrays (over 40 different microarrays available)
Number of peptidesUp to 35,000 (in duplicate)Up to 5,500 (in duplicate)
Available peptide conformationsLinear and cyclic constrained peptidesLinear and cyclic constrained peptide
Built-in control peptidesHA (YPYDVPDYAG) epitopes by defaultHA (YPYDVPDYAG) epitopes by default
Input data (for custom content)Peptide list, Database ID, or protein sequence(s) in the FASTA formatPeptide list, Database ID, or protein sequence(s) in the FASTA format
Sample materialAt least 70 µL per sampleAt least 20 µL per sample