• PEPperMAP® Protein Services: Protein/Peptide-Peptide Interaction and Target Binder Analysis


    PEPperMAP® Protein Services

    Identify protein to peptide interactions with amino acid resolution. 


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Protein/Peptide-to-Peptide Analysis

Identify and characterize protein or peptide interaction binding sites

PEPperCHIP® Peptide Microarrays are not only compatible with antibodies or sera, but also support analysis of proteins or peptides. Screen for protein ligands, characterize protein interactions by peptide mapping, or validate and optimize peptide leads (e.g. from display technologies) in high-throughput, analyzing up to 35,000 peptides in a single assay.    

Screen your protein or peptide against any of our Standard Peptide Microarrays, or design your own peptide library. Depending on your sample characteristics, an additional assay optimization step may be added to your PEPperMAP® Protein+ Service. 


PEPperCHIP® Discovery format

PEPperCHIP® Standard format

Microarray contentSingle to multiple antigens translated into overlapping peptidesSingle to multiple antigens translated into overlapping peptides
Pre-designed content availablePEPperCHIP® Human Epitome Microarray, or random peptides for immunosignature discoveryPEPperCHIP® Standard Peptide Microarrays (over 40 different microarrays available)
Number of peptidesUp to 35,000 (in duplicate)Up to 5,500 (in duplicate)
Available peptide conformationsLinear and cyclic constrained peptidesLinear and cyclic constrained peptide
Built-in control peptidesHA (YPYDVPDYAG) epitopes by defaultHA (YPYDVPDYAG) epitopes by default
Input data (for custom content)Peptide list, Database ID, or protein sequence(s) in the FASTA formatPeptide list, Database ID, or protein sequence(s) in the FASTA format
Sample materialAt least 100 µg per sampleAt least 25 µg per sample