• PEPperMAP® Antibody Services: Epitope Mapping, Antibody Validation, and Antigen Discovery


    PEPperMAP® Antibody Services

    Identify and characterize antibody binding sequences with amino acid resolution. 


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Epitope Mapping

Identify linear or conformational epitopes on the amino acid level

On a target protein, binding sites may be localized within continuous peptide sequences and interact as linear epitopes, or may stretch across different points within the sequence and interact as conformational epitopes. PEPperPRINT's unique PEPperCHIP® Platform Technology supports synthesis of linear and cyclic constrained peptides which mimic linear and looped epitope structures, enabling microarray-based mapping of linear and conformational epitopes.   

Linear epitope mapping is the the standard epitope mapping format based on a single peptide length and the maximum peptide overlap for high resolution epitope data, and is often the recommended solution for monoclonal antibodies. Conformational epitope mapping is based on an antigen translated into 7, 10 and 13 amino acids cyclic constrained peptides with maximum peptide overlaps of 6, 9 and 12 amino acids. Different peptide lengths are applied to mimic different loop sized and hence epitope conformations.

Unsure whether your epitopes might be linear or conformational? Talk to one of our experts for a free project assessment. 



Linear Mapping

Conformational Mapping

Microarray contentSingle to multiple antigens converted into overlapping peptidesSingle to multiple antigens converted into overlapping peptides
Peptide length15 amino acids by default (adjustable)7, 10 and 13 amino acids by default (adjustable)
Peptide overlap14 amino acids by default (adjustable)6, 9 and 12 amino acids by default (adjustable)
Technical replicatesPeptide double spots by default (adjustable)Peptide double spots by default (adjustable)
Built-in control peptidesHA (YPYDVPDYAG) epitopes by defaultHA (YPYDVPDYAG) epitopes by default
Input dataPeptide list, UniProt ID, or protein sequence(s) in the FASTA formatPeptide list, UniProt ID, or protein sequence(s) in the FASTA format
Sample materialat least 20 µg per sampleat least 70 µg per sample

Antigen Discovery and Cross-reactivity Analysis

Identify antigenic targets or analyze antibody specificity

Antibodies are essential tools for therapeutic, diagnostic and research purposes. However, antibodies are often poorly characterized in terms of specificity and cross-reactivity. PEPperPRINT offers multiple solutions for target discovery and profiling antibody cross-reactivities against human proteins, human B-cell epitopes, or other disease- or pathogen- specific antigens:

  • Protein-level screening with the HuProtTM Human Proteome Microarray (currently only available for customers based in Europe)
  • Antigen screening with the PEPperCHIP® Human Epitome Microarray 
  • Epitope-level screening with PEPperCHIP® Peptide Microarrays



HuProtTM Proteome Microarray

PEPperCHIP® Human Epitome Microarray

PEPperCHIP® Peptide Microarrays

Microarray contentover 21,000 human proteins
29,128 peptides covering all linear B-cell epitopes of the Immune Epitope Database
Multiple antigens translated into up to 35,000 overlapping peptides in duplicates
SpeciesHumanHuman, animal, and various pathogensHuman, animal, any pathogen, or random peptides
Peptide length-5 to 17 amino acids depending on epitope length; longer epitopes translated into overlapping peptidestypically 15 amino acids
Peptide overlap shift-shift +1typically shift +1 (adjustable)
Sample materialat least 10 µg per sampleat least 100 µg per sampleat least 20 µg per sample
Recommended applicationsAntigen discovery or antibody cross-reactivity analysisAntigen discovery or antibody cross-reactivity analysisAntigen discovery

Epitope Substitution Scan

Identify conserved and variable amino acid positions of any epitope

Epitope substitution scans cover the stepwise substitution of all amino acid positions of a given epitope or peptide with all 20 main amino acids and optionally additional non-natural amino acids. Validate binding specificity or optimize peptide leads by analyzing single amino acid substitution effects on binding affinity. 


Microarray contentGradual exchange of all amino acid positions with all amino acids
Peptide lengthUp to 20 amino acids
Motif length for scanUp to 20 amino acids
Technical replicatesPeptide triple spots by default (adjustable)
Built-in control peptidesHA (YPYDVPDYAG) epitopes by default
Input dataWild type epitope or sequence
Sample materialat least 20 µg per sample