Antigen and Epitope Discovery

Why screen for antigenic targets?

Antigen and epitope discovery involves large-scale screening to identify unknown targets for antibodies or other binding molecules. This process is crucial for various applications:

  • Identifying unknown targets for autoantibodies 
    In autoimmune diseases, discovering unknown autoantigens can lead to better understanding and treatment options.

  • Screening for disease biomarkers 
    Identifying specific antigens associated with diseases can facilitate the development of diagnostic tools and therapeutic strategies.

  • Vaccine development 
    Discovering novel antigens and epitopes is key for creating effective vaccines against pathogens.

  • Therapeutic antibody development 
    Identifying and characterizing new antigens can lead to the development better targeted therapies for various diseases.
Our approach: analyze mutiple targets in a single assay

Thanks to our printing technology, PEPperCHIP® Peptide Microarrays are the most economic platform for large-scale discovery in a single step. Screen entire pathogen proteomes for epitope markers for disease or immunity, identify immunogenic hotspots, or  characterize changes in antibody response patterns. The flexibility of the PEPperCHIP® platform allows the step-wise screening from up to 35,000 peptides for hit discovery down to handful peptides for hit validation.

 PEPperCHIP® Discovery formatPEPperCHIP® Standard format
Microarray contentSingle to multiple antigens translated into overlapping peptidesSingle to multiple antigens translated into overlapping peptides
Pre-designed content availablePEPperCHIP® Human Epitome Microarray, or random peptides for immunosignature discoveryPEPperCHIP® Standard Peptide Microarrays (over 40 different microarrays available)
Number of peptidesUp to 35,000 (in duplicate)Up to 5,500 (in duplicate)
Available peptide conformationsLinear and cyclic constrained peptidesLinear and cyclic constrained peptide
Built-in control peptidesHA (YPYDVPDYAG) epitopes by defaultHA (YPYDVPDYAG) epitopes by default
Input data (for custom content)Peptide list, Database ID, or protein sequence(s) in the FASTA formatPeptide list, Database ID, or protein sequence(s) in the FASTA format
Sample materialAt least 70 µL per sampleAt least 20 µL per sample

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