New Application Note: Permutation Scan of HA and M13 Epitopes by PEPperCHIP® Peptide Microarrays
PEPperPRINT released a new application note on the use of the PEPperCHIP® Peptide Microarrays. The application note describes the permutation scan of two known epitopes, HA and M13, for the in-depth analysis of epitopes with respect to sequence conservation, the actual motif length and the possible contribution of variable positions to antibody binding (see also: PEPperMAP® Epitope Substitution Scan). The permutation scans were based on peptide microarray in which each amino acid position of the starting epitope is gradually exchanged by the 19 other main amino acids as well as two additional D-amino acids to further identify new epitope variants as well as to investigate the incorporation of non-natural amino acids for e.g. higher in-vivo stabilities for peptide-based immunizations and vaccinations. Staining with monoclonal anti-HA and polyclonal anti-M13 antibodies revealed well-defined staining patterns that enabled an in-depth view on epitope-antibody interactions.
Download the Application Note: Permutation Scan of HA and M13 Epitopes by PEPperCHIP® Peptide Microarrays