Rockland Secondary Antibodies

Recommended fluorochrome conjugated secondary antibodies for PEPperCHIP® Immunoassays.

Fluorescently labeled secondary antibodies are needed to detect your primary sample (e.g. antibody in serum, purified antibody or protein). Strongly charged fluorescent dyes may interact with acidic and basic side chains of peptides. Therefore, we recommend the use of neutral dyes or dyes with few charged functional groups (e.g. DyLight680/DyLight800 or Cy3/Cy5), as well as pre-incubation with secondary antibodies to screen for background interactions.

We recommend the use of validated secondary antibodies from Rockland Immunochemicals, Inc., and offer additional support in in selecting the right secondary antibody and conjugate for the optimal detection of your samples. Please do not hesitate to talk to our scientists to know more about which Rockland secondary antibodies may be best suited for your project.

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Product information


Application: DyLight680 and DyLight800 labelling for infrared scanners, or Cy3 and Cy5 labelling for compatible scanners (e.g., GenePix or Agilent)


Recommended working dilution: 1:2000 - 1:5000


See also


Learn how to perform the assay­­­


PEPperCHIP® Immunoassay Protocol [download pdf] [watch video]


PEPperCHIP® Immunoassay Quickstart Guide [download pdf]



Materials and equipment

We recommend


Incubation tray

PEPperCHIP® Incubation Tray*

Orbital shaker


Blocking reagents

BSA, or Rockland Blocking Buffer*

Control antibodies

PEPperCHIP® Control Antibodies


PBS, Tween 20

Labelled secondary antibodies

Rockland secondary antibodies*

Data acquisition

Microarray scanner

Innopsys InnoScan® 710/710-IR*
LI-COR Odyssey® scanners*
See a list of compatible scanners

Data analysis

Fluorescence spot intensity quantification software

MAPIX Analyzer by Innopsys

Spreadsheet software


*used in-house by PEPperPRINT

Rockland Secondary Antibodies

Assay up to three peptide microarrays simultaneously.

<s>Take full control and perform PEPperCHIP® immunoassays at your own facility. Test multiple samples or multiple microarrays at once. Easy to assemble and fully reusable.</s>

<s>TBD.00 EUR</s>

<s>Excl. tax and shipping costs.</s>

<s>Request a Quote »</s>

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